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2022 - 2025

DIM-ACAV Research grant for a PhD studentship (Slimane Mzerguat)
Évolution des structures transitoires dans la couronne solaire et leurs signatures dans le vent solaire : une étude multi-instruments avec Solar Orbiter".

​(with co-PI E. Buchlin)

2022 - 2025

Agence National pour la Recherche (with PI A. Strugarek)

​WP2 Lead

​(Financing 1 postdoc and 1 PhD student)

2018 - 2021

DIM-ACAV Research grant for a PhD studentship (Florian Regnault)
"SOLHELIO - Les structures fondamentales de la météo de l'espace: évolution des éjections
coronales de masse à travers l'héliosphère".


OSUPS  Research visitor grant

Invited: Sergio Dasso, IAFE, Argentina,

“Investigating the biases in magnetic cloud fitting methods”


Plas@par and Labex P2iO Invited research visitor grants.

Jingnan Guo, University of Kiel, Germany,

“Solar wind transients and their impact on galactic cosmic rays”

2014 - 2015

Northern Research Fellowship (Northern Research Partnership – Scotland)

Visiting Research at the Center for Astrophysics, Harvard (USA)



Dundee Fellowship Starting Grant (University of Dundee): £10k

2011 - 2013

AXA Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellowship (Observatoire de Paris): 120k€
CNES (French Space Agency) Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined offer)

2008 - 2011

Monbukagakusho doctoral fellowship (Kyoto University – Ministry of Education): 6.12M¥
GCOE research fellowship (Kyoto University – Ministry of Education): 4.50M¥

2007 - 2008

"Explora’Sup" Master 2 Grant from the Rhone-Alpes region
Master exchange program between INPGrenoble (France) and Kyoto University (Japan)

Fellowships and Award: CV





MARCH 2016

Bronze award (poster presentation) at the French national meeting “Sun-Earth program”


Best scientific presentation prize at the Bouyssy Colloquium (French Physical Society)

MARCH 2015

Bronze Mathematical Sciences award, scientific presentation at the House of Commons (SET
for Britain)


Best group presentation prize (2 nd GCOE Symposium, Kyoto University)

MARCH 2009

Best poster presentation (1 st GCOE Symposium, Kyoto University)

Fellowships and Award: CV

©2025 (last updated) - Dr. Miho Janvier

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